Spellbook Grey Order

2 entries found.

Rank 4

This spell allows a Mage to target an opponent's Matrix, destroying it by severing the connection between the Matrix and it's owner. Given a target with one or more Matrices (see Matrix Quality), and the ability to sense them (via Familiar, Passing Gift or similar), the Mage can make a magical attack roll against a target up to 10 Legats away. A normal Matrix has a Defence of 10+owner's level, while a Perfected Matrix has a Defence of 15+Level.

If the attack succeeds then the Matrix is Dislocated, and its owner can no longer access it, losing the Quality (no CP are refunded for this). A Dislocated Matrix will flare with power and then slowly drift apart.
power+1 Legat range per Power Level
Suppressing the Flow
This spell is a more potent version of Red Ward and Black Ward. When cast it suppresses the flows of both Red and Black magic in a specified area. All Mages in that area find that their Magic Saves are decreased by 10 for the duration of this spell. The only Mage immune to this effect is the Casting Mage. The area of effect is normally 3 times the Mage’s Level in strides and the duration a number of combat turns equal to the Casting Mage’s Level.
power+2 turns per Power Level
+1 stride radius per Power Level